Janet Treasure, 1997. Psychology Press. Looks at the day to day problems and gives guidelines to help reduce the stress and anxiety that arises in families.
Most of the books listed can be ordered through your local bookshop or through www.amazon.co.uk
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Disclaimer: This booklist is a guide compiled over the years from recommendations by various parties. However, Bodywhys does not have the resources necessary to proofread recommended books and therefore does not accept responsibility for the content of any book on this list. It should also be noted that a book one person finds useful, another person may not. It is important that you find the publication that most suits your personal needs. Please note, Bodywhys cannot endorse or promote any publication.
Janet Treasure, 1997. Psychology Press. Looks at the day to day problems and gives guidelines to help reduce the stress and anxiety that arises in families.
Duker and Slade, OUP 1988. Describes the minute steps in providing the kind of help that enables people to leave their eating disorder behind them.
Ahmed Boachie, 2011. Published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers.