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Personal Stories

Claire’s Story

By Claire I suppose you could say that my eating disorder started at 14 but, as many people with disordered eating will tell you, the foundations were probably laid years before that. Like many families in these times weight and dieting were discussed frequently and terms such as weight, weighing scales, fat, slimming and dieting […]

My Story Of Recovery

By M.E. There have been many milestones in my life. A lot of them in my younger years marked the beginnings of traumatic and negative experiences. Thankfully, the last eleven years have heralded a new start and a new life. The early years were tainted by abuse and alcoholism in the family. A lonely child […]

Where Am I?

By G.G. Where am I ? I peer in the glass that mirrors me But it’s not me I see I glare and stare hard into her eyes She glares back then sighs Where am I gone I yell? Where am I she doesn’t tell I place my hand over my face My movements she […]

You’re Strong Enough

By R.D. Have you ever looked inside your soul? Or tried to see into your heart Wonder is it just you that feels this way If from all the world you stand apart Ever feel like a spectator That partakes in frequent games But never knows how others feel And never seems to feel the […]


By G Hey. I’m G, the girl who wrote “How Important It Is To Talk”. Two years later I’m going on 20 and having the time of my life. I’ve put on 2 stone and am comfortable with my body now. I’m still on the skinny side but I’m working on it. I’m in my […]