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Exploring Body Image and Disordered Eating in Primary School Teachers: The Role of Body Talk, with Self-Objectification as a Mediator

MSc researcher at Northumbria University Newcastle, Siobhan Hennelly, is carrying out a study titled ‘Exploring Body Image and Disordered Eating in Primary School Teachers: The Role of Body Talk, with Self-Objectification as a Mediator’.

If you are a primary school teacher in Ireland or a final year student in Ireland of primary school teaching, with access to a laptop/computer/tablet/or mobile phone, you are eligible to take part. You will be asked complete a short survey/questionnaire anonymously online via the software Pavlovia. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. You will not be asked to share any personal data that would identify you- you will be asked your gender, age and body image related questions.

This study has received ethical approval from Northumbria University Newcastle Ethics Committee.