We are delighted to share details of our new dedicated Virtual Support Group (18+) for those living with Binge Eating Disorder.
- The first group will take place on: Monday 22nd of July at 7.30pm until 9.50pm via Zoom video call.
- Groups will take place monthly. Upcoming dates: 19th August and 16th September.
- Spaces are limited. Email Niamh on: info@bodywhys.ie to save your space
About the Virtual Support Groups
- Our virtual support groups are free, video call based online support groups for people with eating disorders aged 18 years and over.
- The service can be used for finding and providing support, not for finding new ways of perpetuating eating disorder behaviours or thoughts.
- Confidentiality and respect are emphasised. There is no obligation to mention your diagnosis, nor do you need a diagnosis to use the group.
- The groups are run by trained volunteer facilitators and the service is supervised by a member of staff, our Support Services Manager.
Setup and participation
- Each group has limited space for 10 participants.
- Each group takes place via Zoom and runs from 7.30pm to 9.20pm, on the specified date
- To participate in a group you will need to register to secure a place. As places are limited, we would ask that is you if you cannot attend, please cancel, giving as much notice as possible, so that someone else avail can avail of the service.
- Please remember to listen and respect other’s opinions and be courteous towards all participants.
- If you feel uncomfortable or upset, the facilitators may ask you to stay on the call when the group is finished to talk this through, before you leave.
Video Etiquette
- We ask that you remain present, with your camera on throughout the group.
- Try to be punctual, and allow the meeting to finish on time. If you do need to leave, or are experiencing connection issues, please let the facilitators know this, if you can.
- For your own privacy, we would ask that you find a quiet and secluded space to attend; this is also as a courtesy to the other participant’s privacy. We ask that you do not attend whilst driving, using public transport, or in busy public areas.
- Please use only a first name or a pseudo name if you wish. If your full name is on screen one of the facilitators may change it for you.
- Depending on the size of the group it might be necessary to mute your own microphone when you are not speaking, for the comfort of the all.
- To join simply long in through the Zoom platform and wait in the waiting room.
What happens in a Virtual Support Group?
- The group is based on the idea of mutual support. It is not a therapy group, but a place to feel acknowledged and understood, through expressing thoughts and feelings, and through listening and reflecting others experience.
- Participants will be welcomed by two Bodywhys facilitators. The facilitators will post the ground rules/guidelines for the group. The facilitators ensure the space is safe for all attending and will remind participants of confidentially and the limits therein.
- Risk: If someone gives identifiable information given that a child or vulnerable adult is at risk of, or previously been subjected to abuse, or when a person has plans to die by suicide or plans to harm another person.
- The facilitators will open the group, and invite the group to share. Those attending are free to suggest what they would like to discuss. Time will be given to all group members to share, if they wish. Those attending might not wish to speak during a group. Some may want to offer support or reflect on others feelings. Facilitators will oversee the conversation, to be mindful of everyone’s wishes in this respect.
- Confidentially is upmost. Please leave everything you discuss and hear in the group behind you when you leave.
Ground Rules
- To help everyone feel safe and supported so that people can talk about how they are feeling we ask that you adhere to our ground rules.
- We ask that group users avoid talking about specific details of weight, food or the behaviours they are engaging in as part of their eating disorder. For example, weight numbers, scales, detailed information about restriction, or what bingeing and purging involves.
- Due to the nature of the discussions, the facilitators may sometimes remind the group of the rules. It’s OK to discuss your experiences of treatment, and services, but please do not mention particular individuals. Experience around behaviours can be discussed, but we ask that you be mindful that others have different experiences or may be vulnerable around specifics, and so focusing on feelings is more useful for everyone.