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October 16th 2024 – Coping with Christmas Webinar

The anticipation of the Christmas season appears to begin earlier each year, with supermarkets increasingly stocking Christmas products ahead of time. This period can pose particular challenges for individuals affected by eating disorders. The lead-up to the season, along with changes in routine and heightened expectations around social gatherings and food, may result in increased stress, pressure, and conflicting emotions.

For this reason we have decided to run our annual ”Coping with Christmas” webinar early this year. This webinar is designed for those supporting a person with an eating disorder during this difficult time. Please use the registration form below to sign up.

Webinar: Coping with Christmas
Date: Wednesday, 16th October
Time: 7pm – 9pm

Please fill out the registration form here

We have free Coping at Christmas Resources for people with eating disorders and those supporting a person with an eating disorder during this time.

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