My daughter has a binge-eating disorder. This showed up when she was 7 years old. It has been very difficult to get support. I believe it’s the most common eaten disorder, but the least recognised as a ‘disorder’. Most forums that support eating disorders seem populated with those caring for anorexia or bulimia. Sharing the challenges involved with caring for a child with little self-control is embarrassing for me as a carer when I hear the stories of carers whose challenges are children with extreme self-control. I can’t imagine what it is like for my daughter when she tries to share in a forum with others whose beliefs and paradigms are completely the opposite of hers.
It is very hard to find detailed information on practical strategies to support this disorder. Because my daughter has not been hospitalised for her condition it can feel like the issues are trivial relative to those of other parents. Yet they are significant in her life as they limit what she can do, how she feels, and she suffers a lot of related health issues. She is only 14 years old. It is frightening to think what the future may hold.
It is good to have a support network I can connect with. Even though the physical challenges and day to day issues seem to have little to zero overlap with those of other eating disorders, the emotional challenges of managing mood and regulating emotions seem very familiar across the spectrum. Hearing others challenges can remind me that things could be worse.
Being able to learn some conversational recipes and dialogue to help support conversation has been a great game-changer in terms of getting my daughter to open up. And learning what not to say and what not to do has been a real revelation. Thanks Bodywhys for the education and the support. That has been a huge help. It’s a long journey but it’s nice to know we are not travelling on our own.