Call our National Helpline on 01-2107906 or email

Donations & Fundraising

We are sometimes contacted by people who wish to fundraise for our organisation, often by people who have a personal connection with eating disorders. We are grateful for all efforts and that people take the time to do this.

Below are listed some of the ways you can get involved with Bodywhys fundraising – if you would like to get involved or have any queries about the events listed, contact

Click here to see our donor charter – our commitment to you.

Fundraising ideas

Organise an Event
There are lots of different ways that you can raise money to help Bodywhys. Some people may be able to donate their time and organisational ability to running an event to help.

Get your family friends or colleagues to support you and organise a fundraising event. Whatever fundraising you want to do, Bodywhys is here to support you and offer you any materials and resources available to assist you.

By organising an event you are making a valuable contribution to Bodywhys, helping people affected by eating disorders.

Over the years, a number of people have participated in the Women’s Mini-Marathon (in June), to raise funds for Bodywhys.

To discuss your idea email

Leaving a Legacy

By remembering Bodywhys  in your will, you can provide a lasting gift to future generations. Leaving a legacy will allow us to plan long-term funding for all our services.

To discuss a potential legacy donation, or get more information, please contact 01 283 4963 or email

Fundraising guidelines

If you have previous or current experience of an eating disorder or are in recovery:

  • Think whether you are ready to talk about your experience
  • Speak with friends and family for their advice and support in thinking about an activity that’s right for you
  • Put your own health first. Tell your doctor about your fundraising plans and discuss how they may impact your recovery
  • Avoid setting goals or targets that could be more than you can manage

A fundraising event can be an enjoyable experience, but it should never impact negatively on your physical or mental health.

Endurance challenges and sports events

People from all walks of life participate in endurance sports and events, for example marathons and triathlons. We know there can be a great sense of achievement in taking on this sort of challenge. With a focus on exercise in such events we urge you to think carefully about this sort of commitment and how it may affect you, physically and mentally. Training demands can be significant, with regular goals and a need for the body to adapt, along with time for rest. It can be a lot to try and fit everything in and around your personal and work life. Having a good support system around you can be helpful.


Try not to take on too much and above all have fun. Ask your family and friends to support you and to be there to cheer you on or help you out on the day.

If you become unwell prior to taking part in an event, or during it, you should withdraw. Your health is the most important thing, please don’t worry, no matter how far into your fundraising you are.

Although goals can be an important part of recovery, we do not recommend connecting your recovery goals with your fundraising plans. Receiving donations directly linked to controlling certain behaviours can bring up feelings of additional pressure.

Support Us Support Others. Ways You Can Donate

Would you like to make a donation to Bodywhys?

Bodywhys receives its primary funding from the Health Service Executive (HSE) which goes towards covering costs. All additional donations and fundraising go directly towards providing services and information for people affected by eating disorders.

Donate using

fundraise on idonate

You can now donate to Bodywhys using

Online Payment With Your Credit Card Using Paypal

To make a donation through Paypal click the ‘Donate’ button below. On the next page please enter the word Donation in the Payment For box.

Post a Cheque

General donations can be made by cheque payable to Bodywhys and posted to the following address:

Postal Address

Bodywhys – The Eating Disorders Association of Ireland
PO Box 105
Co. Dublin

Gift Donations

Give the gift of support to someone. Add a gift to Bodywhys to your wedding list or let people know that they can make a donation to Bodywhys on your behalf for any occasion:

  • Wedding
  • Anniversary
  • Christmas
  • Birthday

If you would like to let someone know that you have made a donation to Bodywhys, we would be delighted to send out an acknowledgement.

Email for more information.

Donations and Tax Relief

Changes to the tax relief on donations to charities effective from 1st January 2013

Tax Efficient Giving
Donations to charity organisations are tax effective if you donate €250 or more in one calendar year. This applies whether it’s a once off donation of €250 or €21 per month. By reclaiming tax on your donation, we can increase it by almost an additional 45%, at no extra cost to you.

To start this process, you need to download and complete the CHY3 form, add your PPS number. We will only use your PPS number for tax reclaim purposes and will keep it safe and we promise never to provide it to a third party.

Sign and date the form and post it to:
Tax Efficient Giving
PO Box 105