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Getting Help

People often try to control Binge Eating Disorder on their own, and if they fail they may feel demoralised and depressed. This may lead to further episodes, and consequent feelings of social isolation, missing work, school, etc.

More often than not, people who experience BED will need the help and support of a health care professional.

  • Consultation with a General Practitioner is an important first step towards self-care.  The GP will look at the physical effects of binge eating and, if necessary, can make a referral to a dietician or to a psychologist or a therapist.
  • Individual psychotherapy and family therapy can be useful in addressing the psychological and emotional issues that may be underlying the disorder.
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) teaches people to look at their unhealthy patterns of behaviour and how to change them.

For change to occur and to be lasting, a recovery approach which tackles both the physical and psychological aspects of the disorder will be required.