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Bodywhys webinar series for secondary level students – 2024

Supporting Students with Eating Disorders – Workshops for Students

Body image is an issue affecting people of all ages and genders.

Body image concerns are so widespread in adolescent years that, in some ways, they have become somewhat normalised and accepted as a part of teenage life. The implications of negative body image however, can have a grave impact on a child or young person’s life and mental health. Research indicates that negative body image is linked to the development of eating disorders and other mental health issues including depression, anxiety, alcohol and substance misuse and to higher levels of self-harm and suicidality.

Young people today are inundated with messages about how they should look. This growing focus on appearance is unhealthy and can be damaging to a young person’s development and self-esteem. Schools and youth group settings are ideal places to promote healthy body image media literacy and to support students in developing positive behaviours to support well-being and positive body image.

Bodywhys are running a series of webinars for students:

Understanding Eating Disorders (Suitable for all year groups)

Tuesday 24th September 2024 from 12pm – 12.40pm

This webinar will cover:

  • Risk factors
  • Signs and symptoms
  • How an eating disorder impacts a person’s life – emotionally, psychologically and physically
  • Recovery and treatment
  • Supporting a friend
  • Treatment Options

Please email Niamh at to register

Let’s Talk Body Image (Suitable for all year groups)

Thursday 26th September 2024 from 12pm – 12.40pm

This session will explore challenges impacting body image in young people including:

  • Media messaging, social media and peers
  • Practical ways to challenge negative pressures to improve body image.

Please email Niamh at to register

Let’s Talk Body Image (First Years)

Wednesday 16th October 2024 from 12pm – 12.40pm

Starting secondary school can be very exciting but may also bring a lot of change and new pressures. This transition can be an anxious time with some students feeling pressure to conform or to fit in. This webinar will explore ways to challenge these pressures to improve body image and wellbeing.

Please email Niamh at to register 

Promoting Positive Body Image in Your School (Transition Years)

Tuesday 22nd October 2024 from 12pm – 12.40pm

Transition year is often a very positive and life enhancing year. The alternative options for career development and creativity it provides can open up new pathways and ideas. This webinar will explore ways that TY students can promote positive body image within their wider school environment.

Please email Niamh at to register