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Heart Rate Variability, Mood and Eating Behaviours; A Multi Case Study Approach

Are you female, between the ages of 18 and 30 and living in Cork City?

Would you like to learn about your eating behaviours?

Researchers in Cork are looking for women who engage in different eating behaviours to participate in a study.

Researchers are studying under-eating behaviours, grazing eating behaviours, binge eating behaviours and healthy eating behaviours.

Under-eating – Under eating involves a strict calorie controlled diet with the intention of maintaining a low body weight.

Graze- eating – Grazing is a pattern of eating behaviours defined as continuously and compulsively eating small amounts of food throughout the day.

Binge eating – Binge eating behaviours involves episodes of excessive eating.

Healthy eating – Those who engage in healthy eating behaviours are those who are a healthy weight, are not dieting and who consistently consume recommended calories and nutrients.

What will it involve?

Participation in this study will involve having your heart rate measured over a period of three weeks, keeping a food diary and recording your daily mood.

If you think you fit one of these profiles and are interested in participating please contact Shona O’Connor at

This study is being carried out as part of the Master’s dissertation for the MA in Applied Psychology, UCC. The study has received full ethical approval from the UCC School of Applied Psychology ethics committee.

For further information, please review the participant information sheet.