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Personal Stories

Guidelines for Personal Stories

Bodywhys is sometimes contacted by people who wish to share their experience of an eating disorder through the organisation’s website or social media accounts. Personal stories can play an important role in highlighting the impact of living with an eating disorder. In order to facilitate the sharing of personal stories which are safe and non-triggering Bodywhys asks that you try to:

  • Avoid highlighting detailed eating disorder behaviours
  • Avoid graphic descriptions of weight or methods of weight loss and control
  • Avoid use of potentially distressing photographs or imagery
  • Where possible, focus on feelings

If you further require clarification, please email

Thanks to all those who contributed to this page, and helped to bring it alive. If you have a poem or other piece that you would like to submit please send it to

All poems and stories that appear have been submitted and reprinted with the permission of the authors. Copyrights are retained by the original authors and you must contact us in order to obtain permission to reprint. Note: poems can sometimes be written by people trying to make sense of a very painful time in their lives, and thus you may find the content upsetting from time to time.

DISCLAIMER: Bodywhys offers the Personal Stories Section as an outlet for personal expression. We are not responsible for the content and writing is hosted on the website unedited. Writing directly related to eating disorders will be prioritised.

Learning to Live Life in Full Colour – By Fiona Mc Loone

Learning to Live Life in Full Colour - Personal Story

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Emmy reflects on the theme of #EDAW2024 ‘Eating Disorder Recovery and Beyond: Respecting Invidividuality and Identity’

Emmy reflects on the theme of #EDAW2024 'Eating Disorder Recovery and Beyond: Respecting Invidividuality and Identity'

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#EDAW2024: Recovery Reflection – Emma

#EDAW2024: Recovery Reflection - Emma

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A Story of Hope – Sean

I never believed that I could get to where I am right now and that I could get rid of the self-critic that has been with me my entire life. It’s that self-critic among other...

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A Story of Hope – Emmy

A story of hope

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Confessions of a ‘Failed Anorexic’

“What do you mean I have an eating disorder?! I couldn’t possibly have one, I’m not even skinny!” Those were the first words that came out of my mouth when I went to the dietician...

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Personal story about my experience with body dysmorphia

I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror. All I could focus on was everything social media told me I should hate about myself; the stretch marks, the stomach rolls, the hip dips. My...

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My Personal Story

Looking back on my life I can see now that I have always had issues with food, when I was a younger, I was described as ‘’a pickie eater’’.  Fast forward 30+ years and I...

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My story – by Claire

It had never occurred to me I would get better, there was just this black end in sight when I thought about the future. In some way in was a forceful sort of existence in...

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A Story of a Recovered Compulsive Eater

By Sarah I had no peace, no joy I just obsessed about my weight. I was focused on dieting and restricting and binging. I was never in between to the degree that I would get...

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Untitled story

By B When the light comes in. It will come in, if u let it. My soul yearned for it but my head said no for quite sometime. Sent friends & family away, shivered with...

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I don’t know how it started

By Alf I don’t know how it started. I don’t know when it started. There was no event that I could point to that made me do it the first time. I don’t even remember...

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My Story, by Helen

By Helen While our past struggles do not define us, the past shapes our present self and our struggles make us stronger. I believe it is important to first share my story in order for...

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By Audrey Do you think it’s easy to carry this weight upon my head? Do you think it’s easy to see the things I have to see? How long do you think I can carry...

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Claire’s Story

By Claire I suppose you could say that my eating disorder started at 14 but, as many people with disordered eating will tell you, the foundations were probably laid years before that. Like many families...

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My Story Of Recovery

By M.E. There have been many milestones in my life. A lot of them in my younger years marked the beginnings of traumatic and negative experiences. Thankfully, the last eleven years have heralded a new...

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Where Am I?

By G.G. Where am I ? I peer in the glass that mirrors me But it’s not me I see I glare and stare hard into her eyes She glares back then sighs Where am...

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You’re Strong Enough

By R.D. Have you ever looked inside your soul? Or tried to see into your heart Wonder is it just you that feels this way If from all the world you stand apart Ever feel...

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By G Hey. I’m G, the girl who wrote “How Important It Is To Talk”. Two years later I’m going on 20 and having the time of my life. I’ve put on 2 stone and...

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