Researchers at Nottingham Trent University are undertaking research to investigate people’s experience of seeking help for an eating disorder in Ireland. The research is being conducted on behalf of Bodywhys, The Eating Disorders Association of Ireland and is funded by the HSE’s National Office for Suicide Prevention.
Researchers interested in hearing from people aged 18 and over, who are living with, or recovered from, an eating disorder as well as parents and carers. As part of this research, you will be asked to complete an online survey which will ask questions relating to a range of topics including your experiences of health and support services, the treatment(s) offered, your social connections, and your general health and well-being. This research will allow us to explore the quality of services/support provided and identify any gaps in service provision.
Can I take part?
You can take part if you are:
- Living with an eating disorder or are recovered from an eating disorder, are 18 years of age or older, and have experienced any type of care in the Republic of Ireland within the last 3 years
- A carer of someone living with an eating disorder who has experienced any type of care in the Republic of Ireland within the last 3 years.
Types of care involve any external interaction or contact with a person or service about the eating disorder including: a support group or other support services, your GP, psychotherapist, counsellor, community mental health team, psychiatrist, social worker, and/or dietitians. These can be public or private services. You, or the person you care for, does NOT need to currently be in treatment or have received a formal diagnosis. Please note that service users must be over 18 years but a carer/parent caring for someone under 18 years can take part.
Reflections study stage 2 poster PDF
How will I be involved?
If you are interested you can access the anonymous surveys by clicking on the relevant link below. The surveys will take about 25 minutes to complete:
To access the CARER SURVEY, please click: https://ntupsychology.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cBKpw2tELjTvfMh
To access the SERVICE USER SURVEY, please click: https://ntupsychology.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_d5qBt8YYLvzJrff
All information collected will be anonymous and no one will know who you are from your responses. The research team are happy to answer any questions you have. Please contact the team leader Dr Niamh McNamara at niamh.mcnamara@ntu.ac.uk if you would like to discuss any aspect of the research.
This research study has received ethical approval from the College of Business, Law and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee at Nottingham Trent University.