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Consumer Perspectives Research Study

Update March 2016: Study Closed

Do you work in an Inpatient Paediatric Eating Disorder Program? Have you previously spent time as an inpatient in a Paediatric Eating Disorder unit? Are you the carer of a young person who has been admitted into an inpatient program for Paediatric Eating Disorders?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these three questions we invite you to participate in a study that aims to look at what Clinicians, Clients, and Carers view as being important when it comes to the services provided in Paediatric Inpatient Eating Disorder Settings.

Participation involves rating a series of statements regarding inpatient care at three separate points in time. Each ‘round’ is estimated to take about 20 minutes and will commence early 2016.

For more information or to register your interest in participating please contact:

Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) has approoved this study.