Since 2021, we have created a range of podcast episodes including:
- Body image, social media and self-compassion
- COVID-19 and eating disorders: Voices from around the world
- Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2022 highlights – Bodywhys team
- Eating disorders and the media
- Mental health and eating disorders at third level
- Sensory processing, eating behaviours and autism
- Learning about the experiences and perspectives of siblings and partners
- Learning about other specified feeding and eating disorders (OSFED)
- Learning about the experiences of eating disorders of boys and men
- Learning about eating disorders and Christmas – Bodywhys Media Panel
- Learning about emotion difficulties in eating disorders
- Learnings from men who share their experiences on YouTube
- Learning about gender salience in recovery
- It’s not all about control
- A care pathway for longstanding eating disorders
- Eating disorders in the emergency department
- Psychological recovery from RED-S
- How lived experience can inform interventions
- Occupational therapy and eating disorders
- Neurodivergence and eating disorders
- Hormones, excessive sports and midlife men
- Adult patients’ experiences of clinical team meetings (ward rounds)
- Body image: A global mental health concern
- Body functionality: What is it?
- Autism and body image
- Body image interventions
- ARFID – Listening to and learning from families
- Longstanding anorexia nervosa – Time for a rethink
- An ecological framework for recovery
- Improving the adult inpatient experience
- Conceptualising early intervention
- Causal discovery analysis and precision medicine
- Coping with Christmas and New Year (webinar recording audio)
- Voices of Lived Experience: Coping with Christmas and New Year’s
- Voices of Lived Experience: Severe and Enduring Eating Disorders
- Interoceptive sensibility and body image
- Social media and body image: Addressing knowledge gaps
- Experiences of Recovery: Stories from the Bodywhys Media Panel (webinar recording audio)
- The ignored role of disadvantage
- Co-producing principles to guide health research
- Sports coaches and relative energy deficiency in sport (REDS)
- Auditing social media algorithms
- LGBTQ experiences: A compassionate perspective
- Artificial intelligence and ethics
- Binge eating and decision making
- Humour, compassion, microinterventions for body image
- Voices of Lived Experience: How an eating disorder taught me I am enough
- Eating disorders are not niche
- What is diagnostic crossover?
- Family based treatment (FBT) delivered in the home
- Pre-treatment intervention: Keeping Safe
- The role of agency: The life project account of eating disorders
- Social media detox strategies, body image and well-being
You can listen through Anchor or other popular podcast hosting platforms, such as Apple, Google or Spotify.