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Bodywhys Podcast 2021 – Present

Since 2021, we have created a range of podcast episodes including:

  1. Body image, social media and self-compassion
  2. COVID-19 and eating disorders: Voices from around the world
  3. Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2022 highlights – Bodywhys team
  4. Eating disorders and the media
  5. Mental health and eating disorders at third level
  6. Sensory processing, eating behaviours and autism
  7. Learning about the experiences and perspectives of siblings and partners
  8. Learning about other specified feeding and eating disorders (OSFED)
  9. Learning about the experiences of eating disorders of boys and men
  10. Learning about eating disorders and Christmas – Bodywhys Media Panel
  11. Learning about emotion difficulties in eating disorders
  12. Learnings from men who share their experiences on YouTube
  13. Learning about gender salience in recovery
  14. It’s not all about control
  15. A care pathway for longstanding eating disorders
  16. Eating disorders in the emergency department
  17. Psychological recovery from RED-S
  18. How lived experience can inform interventions
  19. Occupational therapy and eating disorders
  20. Neurodivergence and eating disorders
  21. Hormones, excessive sports and midlife men
  22. Adult patients’ experiences of clinical team meetings (ward rounds)
  23. Body image: A global mental health concern
  24. Body functionality: What is it?
  25. Autism and body image
  26. Body image interventions
  27. ARFID – Listening to and learning from families
  28. Longstanding anorexia nervosa – Time for a rethink
  29. An ecological framework for recovery
  30. Improving the adult inpatient experience
  31. Conceptualising early intervention
  32. Causal discovery analysis and precision medicine
  33. Coping with Christmas and New Year (webinar recording audio)
  34. Voices of Lived Experience: Coping with Christmas and New Year’s
  35. Voices of Lived Experience: Severe and Enduring Eating Disorders
  36. Interoceptive sensibility and body image
  37. Social media and body image: Addressing knowledge gaps
  38. Experiences of Recovery: Stories from the Bodywhys Media Panel (webinar recording audio)
  39. The ignored role of disadvantage
  40. Co-producing principles to guide health research
  41. Sports coaches and relative energy deficiency in sport (REDS)
  42. Auditing social media algorithms
  43. LGBTQ experiences: A compassionate perspective
  44. Artificial intelligence and ethics
  45. Binge eating and decision making
  46. Humour, compassion, microinterventions for body image
  47. Voices of Lived Experience: How an eating disorder taught me I am enough
  48. Eating disorders are not niche
  49. What is diagnostic crossover?
  50. Family based treatment (FBT) delivered in the home
  51. Pre-treatment intervention: Keeping Safe
  52. The role of agency: The life project account of eating disorders
  53. Social media detox strategies, body image and well-being

You can listen through Anchor or other popular podcast hosting platforms, such as Apple, Google or Spotify.