Area/Focus | Potential responses |
Life | - Maintaining daily routines and structures, day planning and enjoyable activities
- Playing or relaxing with family
- Opportunity to learn new things
- Keeping a diary of positive situations
Food | - Challenge unhealthy food-related cognitive distortions
- Practice exposures to challenging foods
- Reassessment of meal plans and flexible meal planning
- Use self-compassion toward current struggles
- Encourage focus on body functionality
- Mild physical exercise, yoga, relaxation, meditation, mindfulness
Treatment & support | - Online groups, guided self-help, email, text, e-mental health interventions
- Addressing symptoms of depression and anxiety to help manage ED symptoms
- Personalised preventive treatment and therapy to address vulnerability factors linked to stress and pandemic implications
Social & self | - Activities that benefit self-worth
- Monitoring feelings, meaning and impact of peer interaction
- Increasing valued activities and helpful social connection, connection with peers online
- Virtual social contact (friends)
Setting boundaries | - Media consumption strategies – limit exposure, reduce appearance-related consumption, adjust social media feeds, think critically about images/messages
Sources: Baenas 2020; Schlegl 2020a; Schlegl 2020b; Cooper et al 2020