Issues |
Example |
Service provision |
- Fear of premature discharge from services, change in delivery of supports
- IT issues with virtual/video appointments
- Endings to discharge feeling abrupt and incomplete due to virtual consultations
- Telephone appointments as impractical
- Accessing support from home feels more intense in lockdown
- Reluctance to attend outpatient clinics or admissions due to fear of Covid-19
- Visiting regulations at wards – limited personal contact
- Parents not receiving enough contact from treatment staff
Family situation/impact |
- Managing multiple needs – PWED and family during lockdown, curtailed normal activities and lack of routine, challenges of shielding/cocooning, social distancing
- Feeling isolated as a carer, lack of true understanding from others
- Managing caring responsibilities for PWED
- Heightened unknown factors, creating meal plans at home, support role of carers has increased due to stay at home requirements, adapting and coping with the needs of PWED and the wider family, whilst carers were also potentially now working from home or suddenly unemployed
- Feeling alone with anxieties from phone appointments
- Having to create new routines for their children’s lives -keeping them occupied, social contact with peers, school
- Family meals as stressful
Health of people with eating disorders |
- Increased signs of anxiety, new food triggers, noticing signs of relapse
- Extra time at home and increased cooking frequency by PWED as compulsive and consuming
- Eating behaviour as increasingly restrictive and selective
- Withdrawn, irritated, depressive
Sources: Clark Bryan 2020; Fernández‐Aranda, Casas, Claes et al 2020; Shaw 2021; Davis 2020; Zeiler 2021